Thursday, October 29, 2015


“Outstanding” --Gramophone Magazine, April 2013

L’Arpeggiata, bajo la dirección de Christina Pluhar, publica el álbum Mediterráneo, un crucero musical por la cuna de nuestra civilización con grandes voces españolas, portuguesas, italianas y griegas. Es una travesía desde Portugal a Turquía recalando en las costas españolas de Cataluña, Grecia y Italia, al son de instrumentos tradicionales de la región mediterránea (qanun, saz, lira griega, lavta, oud, guitarra portuguesa…) y las cuerdas barrocas de L'Arpeggiata. El álbum Mediterráneo es la nueva odisea, llena de luz, sol y poesía, de Chistina Pluhar.

“Misia is not exactly representative of traditional fado, and that is to the advantage of this collaboration, but paradoxically her singing here is the most traditional I have heard from her and she complements the rest with her very different timbre...Outstanding” --Gramophone Magazine, April 2013

“L'Arpeggiata's precision plucking is lovely, but its music Mediterranean is a fantasy...This is not a voyage in a humble fishing boat, sampling real folk music at ports from Portugal to Turkey; we are on a tourist cruise - not a brash one, but a refined tour where we avoid any hard edges or uncomfortable truths.” --International Record Review, February 2013

“There is nothing fusty here and the playing and singing wear their sophistication lightly...Feel the heat and the cool in an anthology that treats these lovely blooms with respect. Nothing of the jealous scholar or the ivory turret here - only a renewing vibrant charm.” --MusicWeb International, 23rd April 2013

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